Tuesday, 17 February 2015

how to operate Velest33 for earthquake's epicenter relocation

earthquake epicenter is very important to know where the earthquake wave shows up in the surface of earth then we can predict where the Hypocenter is. knowing where source of earthquake is very useful because we can give early warning to the society for further disaster such as Tsunami or aftershock that is more dangerous.
here we would like to learn about how to relocate earthquake epicenter by using velest33 in order to get better accuracy of the epicenter that BMKG published. first, visit this web to download velest33
have a swift downloading. if you get trouble you can get connectivity in my campus, ITS (Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology) which has super "duper" fast WiFi connectivity, up to 8 Mbps. if you don't believe it, just try it or ask to your friend who study there.

now you have velest program. remember it, you don't need to install.

open velest.cmn with notepad++. if you don't have you can visit it
velest.cmn contains of the parameter and required data that we will manage. you can find every single meaning of the word in velest.cmn in guide book.

then to know that you velest running well, click "velest33" twist, wait a few and you will get 4 new data. this data is relocated epicenter of example data that you get while you downloaded velest.

have a nice trying.


  1. Setelah buka velest.cmn di note++ terus diapain ya? Kok bs keluar velest33 itu gmn . Thnks

    1. I am so sorry for being late in answer you comment.

      Note++ is just for write the data that can be read by Velest Program.

  2. Dear Mr. Author. I am trying to use it right now. Hopefully you may tell me the detail of using this Velest because I have some problems on making the input data (.CNV). If so, may i have your email or contact for further communication? I am looking for hearing from you. Thanks anyway.

    Fitri Wahyuningsih

    1. I am very sorry, Fitri for being late answering your comment.
      I have sent my project to your email

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi, i feel difficult using velest, especially in editing input data for my own. Please send your example to my email :wiguna28@gmail.com

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. how to convert the .dat data to .cnm .cnv and .sta?

  7. velest cmn when we run. the aplication error?what happen with it?

  8. halo, i have some questions, can i ask you via email? thanks
