Tuesday, 17 February 2015

how to get earthquake signal from BMKG

Now I would like to share further what I get when field practical training in BMKG (Badan Meteorogi, klimatologi dan geofisika) tingkat II Tretes, Pandaan.
In last posting, we could get earthquake data from BMKG web site. now, we will learn how to get the signal of the earthquake which seismometers are instruments that can measure earthquake by catching the vibration or wave of earth. the signal which seismometers catch is named by seismograph.
to get seismograph that BMKG shares you can copy this address,

let's see, there are some blank boxes that we have to fulfill. here, as an example, I choose data of Sumatra Island in 2014. I suppose, the geographical region of  Sumatra Island has latitude -6 up to 6 and longitude 96 up to 102. please make the data which you write down in the blank same with the picture above.  then click "submit"

You will see the name of every seismometer which put down in Sumatra Island. as an example, choose the seismometer by giving sign/clicking on "BHZ" in every seismometer. BH means Broadband Horizontal. Z means dimension of signal. seismometer catch 3 dimension of wave, N(North-South), E(East-West) and Z(Vertical).
Then in the bottom, write down the start and end time you want to get. in order to get good view when you run the signal that you get. make the time you get match with your data earthquake that you get from BMKG Catalog.
for example, I take the event which occurs in january, 1st 2014 at 00.14.31 based on BMKG Catalog. so I write down the start time 2014-01-02, 00.14.00 end time 2014-01-02, 00.20.00. don't use long range time. it is useless. earthquake just occurs 10 until 15 minutes before seismometer catch the wave. Then select format that you want to get. then click "submit"

this is the seismometer code that you choose before then click "here". after than you will be able to download the signal by clicking download on download link.

if the status "NODATA", it means that the seismometers do not record at that time.

here, I would like to thank for Pak Nugroho, Kasi BMKG Tretes, who is patient and helpful. mbak ana and mbak novi, as our Tutor in BMKG, who are very kind and funny. and mas denni who gives much knowledge and skill. and also, Boss Saifuddin Kafi , as a great teammate, thanks for every thing and if I still have debt, don't be shy to ask to me. hehehe....

if any question, please comment here. I hope it's useful. thanks 

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