Tuesday, 17 February 2015

how to install GMT

now, I would like to share how to install GMT on windows. this is based on my own experience. first of all you have to have the installer of GMT. you can visit it to download GMT installer, choose your windows bit. 32 or 64 bit.
then you also have to download GhostScript (for reading postscript language) and GhostView (for graphical interface of GhostScript for windows) to display the GMT result and  GAWK, which honestly I still don't know the function of it, but at first just do my command.

just click "next" until you finish install it then restart your computer.
to make sure that your GMT installed well, open command prompt that type "pscoast". if GMT have installed properly it will appear pscoast definition and options of pscoast command.

what is GMT???

GMT or Generic Mapping Tools is an open source software which has about 80 command line tools for manipulating geographic and Cartesian data sets (including filtering, trend fitting, projecting etc) and illustrating PostScript ranging from x-y plots until 3D perspective views, such as river, limit state design, altitude mountain, ocean depth etc. GMT supports over 30 map projections and transformation and also GMT supplements add 40 more specialized and discipline-specific tools. to make GMT runs well, it requires supporting data such as GSHHG and DCW. GMT is developed and maintained by Paul Wessel, Walter H. F. Smith, Remko Scharroo, Joaquim Luis and Florian Wobbe, with help from a global set of volunteers, and is supported by the National Science Foundation. It is released under theGNU Lesser General Public License version 3 or any later version.

commonly, GMT is used to map seismic zone and meteorology for displaying earthquake distribution, tsunami modelling etc. the superiority of GMT is that the software is free.
we can install GMT in linux, windows, or OS X. you can download it in
I hope it is useful.  

how to display signal from converting .bin to .txt extension by Geopsy

congratulation...!! you get chance to get new knowledge.
now open your geopsy program. in first time opening geopsy program you will face this dialog box.

then, you have to use suitable format to read .txt extension. so choose in "use this format" burhan (*.tst*) and push "OK". and if you do not find it in the choice, it means that you're in the right way. hehehe..:). because I create it by my self. if you wanna get it. visit it. 
if your preference dialog box, you can open it by clicking FILE > PREFERENCE.

then after your business with preference dialog box was over, import signal by pushing tools that I put red ellipse on it. or you can look for it on FILE > IMPORT SIGNAL > FILE. select your .txt extension signal data and click "open"
great, I hope you can follow the procedure well and do not get any problems.
after you click "open" the signal won't display, it means you're still the god way. :)
then you should minimize or drag graphic display and you will find table or something like that.

push CTRL+K on your keyboard in the same time. then change vertical, east and north component in "component" coulomb regularly. and give 50(Hz) in "sampling frequency" coulomb. your signal will be displayed.

congratulation..!! your signal was ready to serve. hehehe...:)
any questions, comment please..

how to convert .bin to .txt extension

here, I wanna share my study as Microseismic Engineering (amin). we will learn about how to convert .bin extension to .txt extension. case study comes from microtremor data. as a geophysicist, I think we all know about microtremor. microtremor is a very low amplitude of ambient vibration in ground that produces by human activity or natural phenomena, such as wind or waves. by analyzing the microtremor we can get natural frequency for estimating collapse potential of ground or building.

recorded file of microtremor or microseismic signal which produces by M.A.E Vibralog instrument can directly analyze by using software of its instrument. but if we wanna use other software which is easier and get it freely in the web, such as geopsy, mathlab, etc. we have to change the extension first in order to be able reading. commonly, most software can analyze .txt extension and M.AE Vibralog product is in .bin extension. so we have to convert .bin to .txt.

first you must have SEG2 Conversion Utility and Geopsy. then please open SEG2 Convertion Utility. here the basic display of it.
then click OPEN > your data won't be displayed until you type the name of your data > OPEN
then click "convert" and wait a few minutes...
make sure that your file extension .txt in "export to" box.

congratulation...!! now you have done first step. now open your geopsy program.
in first time open, geopsy program you will face this dialog box.

then, you have to use suitable format to read .txt extension. so choose in "use this format" burhan (*.tst*) and push "OK". and if you do not find it in the choice, it means that you're in the right way. hehehe..:). because I create it by my self. if you wanna get it. visit it.
if your preference dialog box, you can open it by clicking FILE > PREFERENCE.

then after your business with preference dialog box was over, import signal by pushing tools that I put red ellipse on it. or you can look for it on FILE > IMPORT SIGNAL > FILE. select your .txt extension signal data and click "open"
great, I hope you can follow the procedure well and do not get any problems.
after you click "open" the signal won't display, it means you're still the god way. :)
then you should minimize or drag graphic display and you will find table or something like that.

push CTRL+K on your keyboard in the same time. then change vertical, east and north component in "component" coulomb regularly. and give 50(Hz) in "sampling frequency" coulomb. your signal will be displayed.

wish you get the usefulness of my blog. any question, comment please.

how to operate Velest33 for earthquake's epicenter relocation

earthquake epicenter is very important to know where the earthquake wave shows up in the surface of earth then we can predict where the Hypocenter is. knowing where source of earthquake is very useful because we can give early warning to the society for further disaster such as Tsunami or aftershock that is more dangerous.
here we would like to learn about how to relocate earthquake epicenter by using velest33 in order to get better accuracy of the epicenter that BMKG published. first, visit this web to download velest33
have a swift downloading. if you get trouble you can get connectivity in my campus, ITS (Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology) which has super "duper" fast WiFi connectivity, up to 8 Mbps. if you don't believe it, just try it or ask to your friend who study there.

now you have velest program. remember it, you don't need to install.

open velest.cmn with notepad++. if you don't have you can visit it
velest.cmn contains of the parameter and required data that we will manage. you can find every single meaning of the word in velest.cmn in guide book.

then to know that you velest running well, click "velest33" twist, wait a few and you will get 4 new data. this data is relocated epicenter of example data that you get while you downloaded velest.

have a nice trying.

how to pick seismogram

I hope your day run well because today you will learn about picking seismogram. Picking is the main part of seismogram because if we can't pick seismogram. we will be useless to have seismogram. Picking here is to determine which one the P wave, S wave and also surface wave. if we can determine it, we will be able determining the epicenter of earthquake by using single event determination method or three balls method.

Before that you must have seisgram2K program which write by Anthony Lomax. this program is to display the seismograms data. You can visit this web site, seisgram2K. Substantively, you can display seismograms by other programs, such as JISView, gFORTRAN or mathlab. but here we use seisgram2K.
Seisgram2K can work under java application. so if your computer doesn't have java application this program can't work. you can visit this website for getting java.
I hope you don't get any problem in installing seisgram2K.

now we get going to run seisgram2K. this is the basic display of seisgram2K,
then open your seismograms data that you get from BMKG. if you still don't have seismograms, visit how to get seismograms from BMKG.
Open seismogram by clicking,
FILE > OPEN FILE.. > click your seismograms file > OPEN > OPEN(again)

here, the display of Seismogram, guys. every seismometer will be displayed by seisgram2K. you have to determine seismometers which catch event and not because not all of seismometer catches earthquake event.

then, this is time for picking seismogram, guys. you have to remember how the wave of earthquake runs in the ground. the first wave that catch by the seismometer is P wave because this wave is the fastest wave and then the following wave is S wave which sometimes has greater amplitude than P wave. the last wave is surface wave which has lowest velocity but have greatest amplitude. Ya..this wave makes hazard disaster for building. it can make every building collapse.

To pick wave from seisgram2K, click "Pick" tool, then select the the wave which you think as P wave or S wave. Yes...this method examines the seismologist in interpreting earthquake wave.

before we talk further about how to become good interpreter. first we learn the manual picking of seisgram. lets see the tools that I give red ellipse. first, choose P in the darker box to pick P wave or S to pick S wave. then the left and right side of it, you see some tools.
e : for unsure/unclear P or S wave that you select
i : for sure/clear P or S wave that you select
c : for compressive wave that shows by "hill" curve in first P or S wave arrival, like the signal that I give white ellipse.
d : for dilatation wave that shows by "valley" curve in first P or S wave arrival , like the signal that I give yellow ellipse.

after you have picked them, you can get travel time(Ts-Tp) and amplitude(Amp) in the bottom box with green letter. then by converting travel time with velocity model of research field you can get epicenter.

here, I would like to thank for Pak Nugroho, Kasi BMKG Tretes, who is patient and helpful. mbak ana and mbak novi, as our Tutor in BMKG, who are very kind and funny. and mas denni who gives much knowledge and skill. and also, Boss Saifuddin Kafi , as a great teammate, thanks for every thing and if I still have debt, don't be shy to collect to me. hehehe....

wish you get the usefulness from my blog.
any quetions, comment please. thanks

how to get earthquake signal from BMKG

Now I would like to share further what I get when field practical training in BMKG (Badan Meteorogi, klimatologi dan geofisika) tingkat II Tretes, Pandaan.
In last posting, we could get earthquake data from BMKG web site. now, we will learn how to get the signal of the earthquake which seismometers are instruments that can measure earthquake by catching the vibration or wave of earth. the signal which seismometers catch is named by seismograph.
to get seismograph that BMKG shares you can copy this address,

let's see, there are some blank boxes that we have to fulfill. here, as an example, I choose data of Sumatra Island in 2014. I suppose, the geographical region of  Sumatra Island has latitude -6 up to 6 and longitude 96 up to 102. please make the data which you write down in the blank same with the picture above.  then click "submit"

You will see the name of every seismometer which put down in Sumatra Island. as an example, choose the seismometer by giving sign/clicking on "BHZ" in every seismometer. BH means Broadband Horizontal. Z means dimension of signal. seismometer catch 3 dimension of wave, N(North-South), E(East-West) and Z(Vertical).
Then in the bottom, write down the start and end time you want to get. in order to get good view when you run the signal that you get. make the time you get match with your data earthquake that you get from BMKG Catalog.
for example, I take the event which occurs in january, 1st 2014 at 00.14.31 based on BMKG Catalog. so I write down the start time 2014-01-02, 00.14.00 end time 2014-01-02, 00.20.00. don't use long range time. it is useless. earthquake just occurs 10 until 15 minutes before seismometer catch the wave. Then select format that you want to get. then click "submit"

this is the seismometer code that you choose before then click "here". after than you will be able to download the signal by clicking download on download link.

if the status "NODATA", it means that the seismometers do not record at that time.

here, I would like to thank for Pak Nugroho, Kasi BMKG Tretes, who is patient and helpful. mbak ana and mbak novi, as our Tutor in BMKG, who are very kind and funny. and mas denni who gives much knowledge and skill. and also, Boss Saifuddin Kafi , as a great teammate, thanks for every thing and if I still have debt, don't be shy to ask to me. hehehe....

if any question, please comment here. I hope it's useful. thanks